My kid’s school district sent out an email two weeks ago, telling us that the following week we would get to vote for 3 re-opening plans: Plan A - go back to school, no restrictions, Plan B - Blended Remote and Face to Face, or Plan C - All online.
We were told to go to this website on the following week and pick our plan, but by that Monday, Plan A had mysteriously disappeared as a choice, so I chose Plan B, the kids need to go back to school. Then, the governor said plan B, but school districts could choose.
Our superintendent indicated he wanted to go back online only. They had a school board meeting yesterday where they unanimously (surprise surprise 🙄) voted to open schools online only for the first six weeks. You see, we parents didn’t really have a choice.
They just wanted us to think we did, and all of the “doctors“ on the school part world “it’s for the children!” Except that it’s not. It’s because these lazy bitches don’t want to go back to work full time and want to continue to get paid.
And my kids, the kids these sacks of shit claim to love so much, will be left behind and left to suffer. And don’t @ me with your “i’D rAThEr Be SaFe,” bullshit. The death rate in NC for under 18 is 0.02% and for 25-49 is 0.2.
Teachers shouldn’t have to go to work if they feel unsafe. But they should find another fucking job, because the lady at Food Lion making $11 an hour, supporting her kids went to work everyday, and now she’s supposed to what, quit her job so the fucking teacher can stay home?
I’m so sick of fucking teachers. What makes them so special? Nothing but their self entitlement, granted by politicians and at the expense of the kids they claim to love so much. I’m sure there are good teachers, individually, but as a group, double fuck them.
I’m lucky, because telework has been, and is an option, but yet again, the poor will get screwed, under the guise of Government protection. If they would just preserve my liberty and leave everything else alone, the whole country would be better off.
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