This is incredibly concerning.

Of the 3,810 Victorians who tested positive for coronavirus over the past three weeks, almost 90 per cent kept going about their business after they began to show symptoms.
That's 3,400 people who kept going to work.

Kept going to the supermarket. Kept caring for loved ones.

Then, after having a test, 53 per cent did not isolate at home while they waited for the results.
That means 2,056 people carried on as usual – despite being concerned enough or sick enough to go and get tested.

This is not about apportioning blame or pointing the finger.
It's about recognising that far too many people are either not taking this seriously enough – or they're having to make an impossible choice.

A choice between putting the safety of their colleagues and the community first – and putting food on the table.
Far too many people don't have sick leave entitlements.

Far too many people can't afford to miss a shift.

This is an indictment on the insecurity of our workforce – and a conversation we as a society must have.
But for now, we have to deal with the immediate health crisis we're facing.

So I implore all Victorians: if you're sick, get tested immediately. Stay home. Don't go to work.
'Waiting for the results' has to mean exactly that.

It can't mean 'Hopefully I'll test negative, so I'll just keep going to work in the meantime.'
If doing the right thing results in lost income, we'll help you.

We have $1,500 hardship payments available for anyone who tests positive and their close contacts – and if we need to extend the criteria on this, we will.
The most important thing is to slow the spread.

That means if you start to feel sick, you should assume you have the virus – and behave accordingly.
Stay home. Isolate.

And keep your workmates and your loved ones safe.
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