A Thread : Attributes of Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him) a mercy to all mankind.Not a loquacious speaker or a philosopher neither a confused poet nor an imaginative writer."Indeed you(O Muhammad) are an exalted standard of character."Quran68:4 (1/n) #MuhammadBestOfCharacter
"And God have not sent you(O Muhammad)except as mercy for mankind."{Quran21:107}
never in history has a man influenced mankind,even beyond His death,so deeply$ so pervasively as Muhammad(Pbuh)has. (2/n) #MuhammadBestOfCharacter
Muhammad(Pbuh)the truthful one, never lied in his lifetime not even in joke.(3/n) #MuhammadBestOfCharacter
Muhammad(Pbuh) on equality, "All humanity is from Adam(AS)$ He is from clay. No Arab is superior over a non-Arab, nor a white over black(or viceversa) except through piety."(4/n) #BlackLivesMatter
Muhammad(Pbuh)a kindhearted man,He was the most forgiving, especially when He had the upper hand $ power to retaliate. (5/n)
Muhammad's bravery: He taught man to exercise patience in the time of adversity. Practising patience $ tolerance doesn't mean that One should be a sufferer $ not defend himself in case of attack. (6/n) #MuhammadBestOfCharacter
Muhammad's(pbuh) Humbleness: He used to prevent people from standing up for him out of respect.He used to mix with the poor $ the needy,used to sit with elderly,He never wore anything to distinguish Himself from others. (7/n) #MuhammadBestOfCharacter
Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh) was always gentle in His dealings."By the grace of Allah, you are gentle towards the people:If you had been harsh $ hard-hearted,they would have dispersed from around you." {Quran 3:159} (8/n) #MuhammadBestOfCharacter
An Ideal family man:Aisha(RA) said of Her noble husband, "He always helped wih the housework, He would milk,protect,feed his animals $ do household chores.He also encouraged his companions to do so,"And live with them(spouses)in kindness"Quran 4:19 (9/n) #MuhammadBestOfCharacter
Opinions of famous personalities on Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh)
GB Shaw(British playwright) "If He was to be given control over world today,He would solve our problems $ secure peace,happiness which the world is longing for."(10/n)
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