Budgeting Tips:
1. Be Consistent
2. Budget Early
3. Allocate discretionary spend into a separate ACCOUNT
4. Review
1. Being consistent means doing a budget every month even though income and liabilities remain the same. This will also help you refine your working method.
Try and have this on a spread sheet of sorts, it makes it slightly easier and less daunting.
2. Budgeting early means doing you budget at least a week before you get paid so as not to do things on the fly or in a hurry on pay day or after. This will help you NOT miss things that should be added/changed and refresh your mind on what’s coming up.
3. Allocating discretionary spend into a separate account will help you in not over spending. Once the discretionary spend money is done, well that’s that. This is a difficult bullet to swallow and a lot of us struggle with this. Kumnandzi kudla imali maan!
4. Review your budget at least fortnightly and update to mark off expenses paid etc.
5. Don’t steinhoff the numbers. You are only lying to yourself and this will not take you any closer to your financial goals.
This is not financial advice. These aren’t ranting’s nje wethu.
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