Aryan Invasion Theory(AIT) is a HOAX and Out Of India Theory(OIT) is the only TRUTH,

I'll present my arguments in this thread

I'll prove this with genetic evidences and will further give Scriptural recording of this happening in not only Hindu scriptures but also others..
"The American Journal of Human Genetics in February 2006", proved that there has been no major genetic injection in Indian population since 10,000 years.

Means that we Indians doesn't matter north or south have genetical ancestry which is constant for atleast 10,000 years
Gerard Lucotte's , ‘The Major Y-Chromosome Haplotype XI
Haplogroup R1a in Eurasia’, Hereditary Genetics in 2015 prooved that R1a haplogroup is oldest in Indians.

This is the most important paper, it changed everything, "R1a" haplogroup is the so called "Aryan" gene
Gerard lucotte proved that the so called R1a Aryan Gene is oldest in Indians at least 15,500 years old, compared to eastern europeans (12,500 years) and western europeans (6,900 years).
These Findings alone are enough to conclude that Aryan invasion theory is just an Hoax and OIT true,

Literary or Scriptural evidences can also be given and some of them are
First of all the dating of Rig vedas are totally wrong ,

Max Meuller did it on Adhoc basis he accepted that the sutras belong to 600 BC but gave only 200 years to each of the preceding arankya, brahamana and Vaidic periods.
Max mueller surrenders in Physical religion 1890 that:
"Whether vedic hymns were composed in 1000, 1500 , 2000, or 3000 BC no power on earth can ever determine"

What base is this?? and this we believe even today and base every other finding on this only
On the basis of pin point accuracy of Astronomical data Scholars like Nilesh Oak have found that later vedic texts much after the vedas can be dated back to 12000 BC etc. Mahabharta to 5000 BC But a lot of people don't believe in Nilesh oak that is totally OK
I am not taking my arguments from him , but we should know that our ancestors calculated dates and all calendar on the basis of positions of stars or planet you don't believe him that is ok i've got other evidences.
Iron, the first mention of Iron happens only in the Atharva veda i.e the most latest Veda, "Krishna ayas" or Dark Bronze , and iron in India became common in 1700BC so we can conclude here that other vedas are at least older than this other evidence is of the saraswati river
we now with all the other Archaelogical evidences and satellite imagery know that saraswati dried up in 1900BC, but the river which is talked about in rig veda is no drying river it of saraswati in its mightiest flow that is it is saraswati of before at least 4000BC
that was the time when saraswati dried up, and at last the most solid evidence that the so called ghaggar river basin which was the saraswati river(as per satellite imagery findings) has the most numbers of IVC sites it shadows the number of sites that are there in Indus river..
These evidences totally negate the Aryan Invasion theory turns out it really was a colonial idea which was promoted by Britishers,

and now scriptural evidences to support the OIT or Out of India theory
There has been some motivation rather fear for Indians to migrate outside of India and yes it has been clearly recorded , after the das rajan yudh, the defeated tribes had to leave.
Maybe because of the threat from the victor tribe or any other possible reasons
These were the vedic tribes.
First among them is Druhyu tribe, the northward movement of the Druhyu tribe outside the land of Sapta sindhu has been clearly recorded in the Ved and later puranas, they moved to central India,
Another tribe is the pakhtas, pakhtas today most probably are the pakhtuns and pashto speaking people of Afghanistan and the khyberPakhtunwa province of Pakistan,

They are surely from the different tribe of people..
Third most interesting rig vedic tribe is The "Parsu" tribe after which the name "Persia" is derived most probably , a 844BC Assyrian inscription also describes people of persia as the people from the tribe of Parsu or simply the parsus
and the Zend Avesta of parsis written by Zarathustra clearly mentions that Hapta Hindu(sapta sindhu, they pronounce S as H) is the original homes of Persians , also the earlier parts of zend avesta have the geographichal knowlege of only the eastern persian region
the later part they don't know about it yet, what do these things indicate, the zend avesta's proof is clearly written in it no one can just deny it..
Put these scriptural evidences and the latest finding in the fields of genetics. The latest findings that the r1a is oldest in Indian and then in eastern european and then western european this indicates movement from east to west of europe
This proves OIT really happened in is not just a Indic Imagination.

retweet and let it reach masses.

more scriptural evidences incoming.
I'll post them here..
"Continued Ancestry"
Snippets from Gerard Lucotte's paper,
IVC Sites,
find yourself
satellite imagery
This is what an average person looked like in the IVC,
even people living today in this region look almost same. another thread
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