why does Pakistan have a brain drain? it's because:
-govt. bans avenues for creativity & opportunities (including social media)
-provides no support system or conditions for young professionals to thrive
-boomer uncles are unwilling to give space. instead dismiss youth as stupid
-bureaucratic red tape & obsession with redundant procedures which are designed to tire any new innovators/entrepreneur
-obsessive focus on obsolete ideas of "security" which are really just designed to increase surveillance & control over the population
-destroyed economy
-an arrogant unwillingness by older generations to realize that the youth need friendly policies in line with current times. we're still being forced to live the same lives as these boomers etc. did. only lip-service paid to innovation.
-most importantly, lack of political agency
-the sheer lack of agency that your average 20 smth feels in Pakistan. the overwhelming majority of us do not have any say in how this country's future- our future- will be decided.
-and i haven't even touched upon the pervasive corruption, the extremism, the stifling.
-if you're different in Pakistan or have slightly different views and no privilege to back you up, you might as well forget thriving here.
-and if you are a minority, woman, lgbtq, or any other marginalized youth tau its even worse.
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