Yesterday members of the @visitwindsor team headed to Windsor Castle for their Friends & Family Day to help them prepare for reopening to the public tomorrow (23rd)
#WindsorWednesday #RediscoverYourRoyalBorough
Before visiting, @RCT have outlined some of the changes they've implemented to help you have a safe and enjoyable experience while visiting Windsor Castle
A bit of socially distanced queueing at the admissions, of course our Visitor Manager had to lead the way through the gates and be the first inside! To minimise crowds, you have a timed ticket and so do not need to arrive well in advance (or late!) of your stated admission time
Nip through security with your tickets printed in advance and we're in!
Collect your multimedia guide (you can bring your own headphones if you prefer, standard audio jack). They are cleaned twice before you receive them.
Long time no see, Quadrangle! Just as we remember it, though it is looking particularly resplendent in the summer sun
Missed these summer days within the Castle ☀️🏰
And of course the Royal Standard is flying
Last minute touch up of the pond in the Moat Garden
There are friendly wardens around, all well versed on the 'new normal', automatic hand sanitisers at regular intervals and signage to remind you to make the most of the extra space you now have due to limited numbers
Lovely views out over the Thames, the Hundred Steps and out towards Eton Chapel
Maintenance and renovations coming along nicely as we head inside
The view from George IV's entrance hall, opened late last year for the first time since Queen Victoria's reign.
You can see the Copper Horse, a statue of George III at the end of the Long Walk (honest, it's just miles away!)
But first, refreshments in the Undercroft Café. Tables have been spread out, baristas are wearing PPE and behind a Perspex screen, and payments are contactless. Very tasty!
Obviously we can't take pictures inside the State Apartments, but there was a big surprise in the Waterloo Chamber. Essential maintenance work means the Lawrence portraits have been removed, but revealed beneath are pantomime pictures from the war!
📸 @RCT
Teenage evacuee Claude Whatham was asked to recreate fairy-tale characters. After the war the portraits by Sir Thomas Lawrence were returned to the Chamber. The panto pics have been revealed just once since the war, following the fire of 1992
📸1 @RCT
Again, while we can't show you with our own pictures, the route feels a lot more open to encourage social distancing. Ropes appear to have been pushed back and without a crowd following you, you can really enjoy each room
And back into the sunshine
While it has been a quiet few months, the Quandrangle has been kept busy!
First in June, it hosted a 'mini' #TroopingTheColour for Her Majesty's birthday with the Windsor based @WelshGuards
And just last Friday, it was the scene of Captain Sir Tom Moore's investiture ceremony! @captaintommoore
Some new faces in the sentry boxes too. No scarlet tunicked guardsmen of the @the5Guards, but the crimsoned trousered King’s Royal Hussars. 💂
It's the first time in their 305-year history that they will guarding the royal palaces!
Looking very sharp. While there is no #ChangingOfTheGuard at the moment, you can still see the sentries carrying out their duties.
All safe and secure here
Right, back off down towards Lower Ward
Hard to take a bad picture on days like these!
#BritishSummerTime #WindsorCastle
It's not just the Castle that is reopening. You will be able to tour #StGeorgesChapel, and from tomorrow the public can attend Evening Prayer at 5.15pm daily 
Windsor Castle is always a must see attraction, even in these times the measures taken to make the castle #GoodToGo. In fact with the reduced capacity and timed tickets, now is a great time to visit!
Remember, please book tickets in advance online.
You can follow @visitwindsor.
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