It’s too early to be furious, but here we are.
Why is it that some members of society can’t just be happy or indifferent when someone who is shaped different does something awesome - or something you as a slim person, can’t do?
I’m not going to @ her as I don’t want to open her up to MORE trolling, but a friend of mine has been trolled on both IG and Twitter for two days for DARING to stand en pointe whilst being fat. Even though she takes ballet classes/training.
Like...what’s wrong with some of you? Why go out of your way to make someone feel shit about something incredible they’ve done because their body doesn’t match up to your specifications of what a dancer should look like? You’re part of the problem.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. People have a real problem with seeing fat women live their lives and be normal.

There is this strange entitlement to life that you think applies only to smaller/thin bodies.

She can do ballet, you can’t. Get over it.
As well as blatant rudeness, you have the concern trolling. “Oh you’re too fat for this”, “you’re gonna break your bones”, “you’re doing it wrong”, “you should be doing it like this”

Did anyone ask for your opinion? Especially when you didn’t read her caption about it?
A lot of the trolling seems to come from dancers who have some kind of superiority complex over ballet. To them, Ballet = years of training, dieting, restraint, dedication and self control. Their bodies are their trophies. A testament to how hard they’ve worked...
Until you come across someone who exists in a body that you think is the very antethesis of that. You think fat ppl can’t train their bodies, increase strength or have discipline, because you’ve been conditioned to believe we are weak, lazy non-achievers...
That is until you meet a fat person who is stronger and more graceful than you. It shatters your prejudices surrounding larger bodies and you can’t take it, so you start trolling and policing their technique and bodies to make you feel superior again.

Fucking give it a rest.
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