Since ppl think, Chinese consulate burning documents is standard SOP, let me share something in the next few tweets. (I came to know about this when I was researching about Hu Xijin. Part of which I have shared earlier.)

Guys, this is much serious than what it is.

Date: May 7th 1999.

Place: Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia (then)

Event: Chinese Consulate was bombed by US.

Official reason: Pilot was having an out of date map.
Actual reason? Well, NATO officers back then have confirmed that the Chinese Consulate was being used as a transmission station by Slobodan Milosevic & Ratko Mladic.

Ratko was instrumental in getting the body parts of downed US Stealth F117 to Chinese.
Date: 11th January 2011
Place: Chengdu, China
Event: Public test flight of newest Chinese Stealth Fighter - J20.

Official message: We know we can match US in stealth technology by stealing your secret.
Now, why these two are important? More than answers, questions arise.

#1: Serbs had an agreement with China in using their Consulate as transmission station in exchange for body parts of F117 Nighthawk.

#2: Had US not bombed that compound, they too would have burnt docs.
#3: Now that Chinese are burning documents, there could be much more to this compound which would unravel in the coming days.

#4: Did US sniff something that Chinese are pre-empting? Or is it Chinese who counter-sniffed US intentions elsewhere? Both possible.
#5: It is to be seen, where the actual work happens. Did funds flow from China to arsonists in US streets?

#6: Did US sniff funding link with PRC?

Next few weeks, this would be answered I guess.

Trivia: Hu Xijin interviewed the Ratko Mladic. Do these things happen normally?
Quick Correction: Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. Not Consulate.
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