
We’re looking to build partnerships. I’m lucky enough to have a role working across several progressive & forward thinking organisations. We’re building an MSK “system”. We can’t “design” it. We can’t “control” it, because systems are complex. But we can ‘listen’... the stories of patients, clinicians and managers and ‘be better’. We ‘can’ stop focusing solely on 100s of KPIs, and ask patients and clinicians what really matters. For that, we need collaborations and new ways of working. Changing structures, policies and procedures...
...will be key, as will trust, but most of all we need to recognise the complexity of systems & particularly the “MSK” system. Too often “MSK” has become synonymous with an “interface” service. MSK systems include primary care, physio, pain services, orthopaedics, voluntary...
care organisations, local authority groups & most importantly of all, patients themselves. The only way to improve the system is to work across boundaries, collaboratively & in true partnership. It’s vital we stop thinking about optimising single components of that system, and...
...instead think about how patients transition across the system & how we define that systems true ‘purpose’. How services interact, communicate and collaborate will be crucial. It’s why we’ve started building a programme across the whole system, bringing together partners...
...& tackling wicked problems together. If you are involved in any service in Berkshire West that supports patients with MSK conditions then reach out if you want to join in.
#MSK #150actions #BerkshireWest
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