People should not blame governors for the mess in healthcare. So long as @MOH_Kenya in Nairobi is still funded more than the 47 counties combined, no healthcare is possible in Kenya. #COVID has exposed continued centralization of resources for the danger it is for our country. 1/
MoH manadarins still hold so much resources in Nairobi that are stolen in billions annually. Supply agencies like KEMSA are chiefly for laundering funds meant for national healthcare. Healthcare is devolved but resources are not, and that’s the truth. Where is #BeyondZero? 2/
While death is sad, Kenyans are always quick to draw humour whenever tragedy befell families of government officials they believe squandered healthcare resources through skewed policies and open corruption. Public resources should serve the public where they are needed most. 3/
News that only FIVE counties are prepared to handle a surge in COVID does not surprise some of us who’ve spent years calling out Jubilee government for ineptitude and corruption and for stifling full implementation of devolution of power and RESOURCES. 4/
And before you shout handshake, remeber handshake is not supposed to save you from seven years of bad policies in two years. Neither is it meant to massage your civic guilt for voting deplorables in power, three times in a row, by creating some false equivalence. 5/
Also listen, the mandate to rule is 5 yrs, you decide how you want the affairs of your country to be handled for five years. Any other political development is immaterial once you’ve given your majority vote to one side of political power. You wait for another 5yrs or IMPEACH. 6/
And for those of you who vote fringe candidates or do not vote, fuck you and shut your fucks up. I’d rather argue with those who voted Jubilee thrice than waste my precious time arguing with you. You are more full of shit in your faked indignation. 7/
I conclude by telling you to take care of yourself because you are on your own. With or without insurance, if lucky to get admitted for COVID and you survive, you will fork at least Ksh200,000 after the second day. #COVIDisRealKe, so is your bad political choices! @ItsMutai
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