I think the new Dark Confidant Art is a great example of why diversity is so important.

It seems like many Asian people were clearly offended, and many white people were not.

This is easily solved by having a more diverse space to share ideas and point out problems like this.
To be honest, I never would have noticed the problem with the art, and that’s just an example of the privilege I have. I don’t have to look at things like that and see people like me vilified.
I think honestly diversity is important because people with different backgrounds and perspectives can offer that and help prevent problems like this in the future.

When stuff like this happens my immediate reaction often is “wow how do you even see that!” and I see others do
But that is something we should always be fighting, and I think that initial mechanism causes so much damage, and only by fighting it can we actually listen to these people who are brought in. We have to listen to them and not just ignore them because it hurts to hear
This personal re-evaluation of how I react to things like this took a long time, and it takes some amount of education and maturity on these topics.

But each time you listen and shut up it gets easier, and it’s help me mature as a person a lot.
It’s not really fair to these people who are offended that I have to learn how to listen to them because it hurts my feelings to find out I’m so blind to the common racism that exists throughout society

I feel really bad about people I interacted with on these subjects years ago
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