1/ If You Knew My Los Angeles
Without giving too much information I have had a hand in many of the historic buildings in downtown LA, iconic events, many nonprofit organizations (which I donated a large part of my income), parks, care of CA native wild animals,
2/ restoration of wildlands in our mountains, movies, and television, in Los Angeles and over the last 11 years it has become a city I don't even recognize, mentally ill & elderly abandoned, homeless, addicted, decomposing bodies along with crime & taxes are too much to bear they
3/ don't care about the people and if any of these people think taking money from those that protect us will change it they are dead wrong it is the people taking care of this city that are the problem they have failed all of us. They have embraced illegal immigration and
4/ drained our resources while ignoring our beautiful city. This will only end one way and that is bad it is devastating for people like me born and raised here emancipated at 15 completely self-made nobody gave me anything, I have worked tirelessly to restore Los Angeles while
5/ these people destroyed it... If you even knew who I was and all that I have dedicated my life to volunteering here in the City of Angels. I used to tell people that everything I am is because of Los Angeles it made me who I am and I would have never had the opportunities any
6/ place else, I didn't have enough life to do all of the things I wanted and that was possible here it was never-ending the things you could do, the people you could meet I owe it all to this city. At the end of each day, I enjoyed watching the sunset on the beach, or a mountain
7/ top, in a parking lot or in my rearview mirror on the 101 windows down smiling at everyone I would see and saying hello to another stranger that looked like they needed a hello or they were smiling too sitting at a red light or on a freeway, I couldn't wait to do it again
8/ I couldn't even stay awake when I got home I had worn myself out. But that was before all of you Social justice idiots showed up with your stupid regressive ideas. You've destroyed our home. Unlike you, I've lived every moment
9/ looking for what I could give instead of what I could take and life has rewarded me tenfold for it I earned everything I have..... You don't represent Los Angeles or California you've killed it and you will never know how amazing it was before you.
10/ And P.S. I started my own business 33 years ago with nothing, no handout, no college and that is probably what saved me, I learned it all on my own, I hit the ground running, asked questions and did the work, never stopped learning even up to today I still take classes online
11/ to learn as much as I can to do it myself. I wanted to do it my way, raised 3 amazing young men, and still had time to do that and more by myself. So next time one of you tells me to leave if I don't like it you can go fuck yourself.
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