New article in @TheBJPsych , link at end of thread.

Title: "Sex, gender and gender identity: a re-evaluation of the evidence."

Short excerpts below:
..."evidence suggests that the majority of children left alone reconcile their identity with their biological sex;" >>>
"the feelings of 60–80% of children with a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria remit during adolescence."

"We are born as, and die as, a body; we are our bodies. How can someone be born in the wrong body?" >>>
"We must deal with all our patients with compassion but also make safe medical decisions when demonstrable material reality is at odds with a patient’s subjectivity.">>>
"It is possible that at least some gender-non-conforming girls come to believe themselves boys or ‘trans masculine non-binary’ as more acceptable or comfortable explanations for same-sex sexual attraction, a kind of ‘internalised homophobia’.">>>
"Autism spectrum disorders are consistently overrepresented in referred children and adolescents.">>>
"As there is evidence that many psychiatric disorders persist despite positive affirmation and medical transition, it is puzzling why transition would come to be seen as a key goal rather than other outcomes, such as improved quality of life and reduced morbidity.">>>
"Taking a supportive, exploratory approach with gender-questioning patients should not be considered conversion therapy.">>>
"Puberty blockers are known to affect bone and, possibly, brain development. They put users at risk of developing osteoporosis and are associated with reductions in expected IQ. ">>>
"Loss of sexual maturation will also be associated with lack of adult sexual function, although it is unlikely that a pre-pubertal child can truly understand this side-effect at the time of consent.">>>
"No long-term comparative studies exist that satisfactorily demonstrate that hormonal and surgical interventions are superior to a biopsychosocial formulation with evidence- based therapy in reducing psychological distress, body dysphoria and underlying mental illness.">>>
"Psychiatrists understand that human development is necessary, but not always comfortable. Puberty, although a normal physiological process, is associated with particularly high levels of psychological and bodily discomfort.">>>
"Doctors are now questioning the wisdom of
gender-affirmation treatment of children and young people, citing poor diagnostic certainty and low-quality evidence.">>>
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