The number of white people who think winning white people is synonymous with winning an election, despite the fact that a majority of whites have voted Republican in every presidential election since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, is simply staggering.
Like, I know white men think they're the most important people on Earth, but goddamn. Even when the REPUBLIC is at stake, they still think that the only way to do this is with the approval of white men.
Obama 2012: 39% of the white vote.
Obama 2008: 43% of the white vote.
Clinton 1996: 44% of the white vote.
Clinton 1992: 39% of the white vote.
You give me a candidate who can get me two out of every five white guys, and people of color and women can DO THE REST.
"BUT THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE," white people say. "You have to win white people to win the EC."


Romney +15 with white people in PA. +24 in VA. +10 in CO. +24 in FL. Obama won all those states.
I mean for eff's sake, you can lose white people in Florida by 24 goddamn points AND STILL WIN FLORIDA if you do all the other things.
But white guys so DESPERATELY hang onto the notion that their votes count *more*, somehow, that even when you tell them this they still think "yeah, but it's an important election so we really have to do EVERYTHING we can to convince white guys to vote our way."
Anyway, I want to win. I'm more interested in winning than I am to pandering to the white man's sense of self-importance.

And the way to WIN is to turn out every person of color and woman that you can, and count on 2 out of every 5 white guys to not be a complete asshole.
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