I’m in beautiful (?) downtown Portland, Oregon!

Here’s a spray painting of a hand doing the middle finger, and underneath it says 12 in curly numbers.
This big sign says, “Black lives matter,” and the other one says, “Veterans vs the Feds! We both swore an oath against enemies foreign and domestic. Now YOU are the enemy! Stuff me in an unmarked van...I DARE you.”

Remember when there were like 100 of us and we just sat around a bonfire?
Some random men told me that there are probably slightly more people here than there were last night and if random men said it, it must be true! (2000+)

This sign says, “100% not a terrorist,” and it has little sparkly heart stickers.
@riotribs is thriving because that’s literally all they know how to do. Here’s their sea of coolers. I counted 66 but obviously I’m not a cooler scientist.
Something interesting is that there are large groups in front of both the federal courthouse and the Justice Center. This past week, all the attention has been on the federal courthouse. It was nice to be back in the southern park! I saw the colonizers, who I had forgotten about.
This sign says, “Police brutality 2 for 1 sale. Going out of business! BOGO! ACAB!”

Remember friends, local police were brutalizing protesters in this location for more than a month before the feds got involved.
Wow there are so many people here who don’t have PTSD, huh? 😒
Here’s a person playing the fiddle on the steps of the federal courthouse.

Also, just saw @MrOlmos and his backpack full of Red Bull. Do you follow him yet?? If you don’t I’ll bl*ck you 😡
Just talked to my Riot Ribs angel baby friends and they said they can NEVER HAVE ENOUGH COOLERS, so keep that in mind.

Also, some moms (there are a ton of yellow-shirted moms tonight) brought homemade cookies. 🥰
There aren’t any fences tonight. Not around the FC, the JC, or the parks.

I feel like we got our park back and we’re not really talking about that enough. Like, that’s pretty cool!

Here’s a picture of some people’s legs to celebrate.
Here’s some homemade shields on the steps of the federal courthouse.

The sidewalk in front of the FC is federal property, and on previous nights, you might get arrested or assaulted (or both!) for standing on it.
Here’s a sign that says, “Teach the truth.”
Federal police are out and declared an unlawful assembly (very quietly). I hear loud flash bangs from 3rd.
Shield work on SW Main.
Tear gas attack, and loud flash bang.
Moms vs. federal police at SW Madison. Protesters chant, “Feds go home.”
There are several standoffs happening now because the crowd is so big. I’m at the one on Madison, but I can hear shots and explosives all around me.
Bright yellow peace signs and federal police on Madison.
Protesters cheer at federal police retreat.

It’s weird to see the protesters outnumber the police so overwhelmingly. It’s usually the other way around.
Black protesters lead a chant after feds go back inside, “Portland are you scared? Hell no! I ain’t scared!”
This is *not* a typical post-tear gas crowd on a Tuesday night.
I can’t express how weird this is to me. Usually at this point there are like 75 of us wiping our eyes and creeping back to the parks. Instead tonight there are 1000+ people chanting and dancing and generally not giving a shit that they just got tear gassed. What. Is. Happening.
By the way, I just bumped into @PDocumentarians and it reminded me to remind you to follow him. He consistently gets some of the best footage out here. ✨
Wow! Ok just getting the message that maybe people in Portland would like the feds to leave?

Huge if true.
This is BANANAS. I’m sorry I can’t tweet about anything else but there are just SO MANY PEOPLE HERE and their spirits are SO HIGH.
Usually people recommend wearing shoes you can run in to a protest but apparently you can also wear old-fashioned roller skates?
A small fire next to the federal courthouse and chants of “What did you see? Didn’t see shit!”
This sign says, “Which war crimes will PPB commit tonite?”

Speaking of PPB, I haven’t seen them at all tonight. It used to be them terrorizing protesters every night, but since the feds came I see them less and less!
I was filming another small fire when federal police deployed tear gas from under the door.
Then federal police threw flash bangs and more tear gas as protesters used leaf blowers and their feet to attempt to disperse the gas.
Then federal police attacked from the North and beat and arrested protesters. They also threw flash bangs at their bodies while they were on the ground, as seen here.
More flash bangs and tear gas. I don’t usually run, I swear! The feds just feel unpredictable in such a big crowd.
Federal police shoot munitions into a retreating crowd. Two protesters have American flags.
By the way, in almost all of the footage I just got you can see @1misanthrophile in front of me being extremely fearless so you should obviously follow her.
“Lindsey, did the 7-Eleven reopen after soldiers attacked the steet in front of it with tear gas and explosives minutes ago?”

“It never closed :)”
I’m back at the federal courthouse and the air still stings and there are ribs on the @riotribs grill and many, many undeterred protesters having a dance party on SW 3rd.
Singing, “Stolen land, stolen people!” and dancing in front of the federal courthouse.

I feel like I dreamed that we got brutally attacked two times tonight. This crowd is *extremely* cheerful. Also, it’s still huge.
Okay also nobody gets footage like Garrison. Sorry I’m just tweeting about other people, I just love them so much! 💛 https://twitter.com/hungrybowtie/status/1285851909702610944
Protesters have used a fence and building material and balloons to blockade the western door of the federal courthouse.
Energetic chant of “Black lives matter” outside the federal courthouse.
Protesters remove plywood from the federal courthouse.
Just your periodic reminder. “PPB are killers.”
More big pieces of plywood are being removed. The crowd is cheering. It’s tense and I wanna go hide at @riotribs.
Alright where do I find goggles that both protect from rubber bullets and keep out tear gas because mine don’t do both. Wah wah!
Federal police rushed protesters for removing plywood from the courthouse. They shot tear gas low over the crowd, which can hit protesters’ heads. They also deployed flash bangs and other munitions.
I can’t get over how much they look like an invading army in this one.
Parks and 3rd engulfed in tear gas.
Federal police tackle and arrest a protester in a cloud of tear gas then force me and two @NLG_Portland observers out of the park so we can’t witness the arrest.
Yelled into a microphone in a very cheerful voice: “Oink oink, mother fuckers! Your spicy air didn’t make us go home!”
What is UP with this crowd?? We’ve been attacked pretty badly three times and it’s 2:13 a.m. and why are there so many people here???
Shield line faces off on Main against an unsually high number of federal police.
“This is not a riot! It’s a revolution!” protesters chant.
The shield line (of umbrellas and cardboard and things like that) is advancing toward this line of federal police.
Canister heads I fetched you this one!
Also got this one!
“We’re not leaving!” the crowd chants from behind the shield line.
Another big tear gas attack on Main. The shield line held on for longer than I expected.
Riot Ribs in tear gas.
Federal police remove people from their cars in tear gas. Then one comes up behind me and rather rudely makes me disperse.
Police pushed protesters back to SW 5th. Then there was a sudden stream under the shield line. Then police retreated and protesters advanced again.
Riot Ribs is getting set up to cook again after the tear gas and explosives in their canopies. Protesters are beginning to trickle back, but many are calling it a night.
I passed a protester making a necklace thing out of all the tear gas canister pins they could find.
This spray paint says, “Fuck the rich -Jesus.” I can’t verify whether this is a direct quote.
Riot Ribs’ medical supplies: https://twitter.com/MrOlmos/status/1285881253959307264
And Garrison got a clearer angle of the feds pulling people out of their car earlier. https://twitter.com/hungrybowtie/status/1285886001932427265
You can follow @LindseyPSmith7.
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