Thread about fake progressive prosecutors--looking at you, @Jeff_Rosen--and how California, by voting them out, can achieve real reform statewide. Here goes.
Today @Jeff_Rosen announced he was dropping his death penalty prosecutions, trying to pretend he was the next @chesaboudin. He's not. @Jeff_Rosen hires the prosecutors that @chesaboudin fires. The ones who commit egregious misconduct. He's getting heat and he wants a way out.
There is a challenger coming for @Jeff_Rosen who is truly progressive. And if that challenger wins, and if @GeorgeGascon wins in LA, that is the end of the California District Attorney's Association (CDAA).
Most ppl don't know or care about the CDAA. But it matters. They lobby successfully against criminal justice reform in CA. But if progressives win in LA & Santa Clara, they can join w existing progressive DAs and take over the CDAA. Or create their own org & leave it a rump.
Consider supporting the challenger to Santa Clara County DA Jeff Rosen. Because that support = statewide support. If progressive DAs start winning all over CA, we are talking about statewide as opposed to local change. And that is powerful.
You can follow @larabazelon.
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