
Grady Hospital, July 2018

Me: “You okay?”
Her: *frowning* "I feel like I'm laying on top of something. Like a pebble or something."
Me: *squinting my eyes*
Her: "I looked all under me but it ain't nothing there."
Me: "Hmmm. Let me look closer."
I sat her up and inspected the bed sheets. A wayward EKG lead perhaps? Nope.

What I found:

1. A flattened piece of scrambled egg (which I did remove).
2. Nothing else.

Her: "You see something I ain't see?"
Me: *shrug* "No ma'am."
Her: *groan* "No?!"
Her: "But. . .I feel it right by my shoulder blade right here."

She squirmed and contorted her arm to reach the area. I flashed a light on her back for a closer look.

Her: “I swear I ain’t crazy. I feel it soon as I lay back!”
Me: "I'm looking but I don't see anything."
Me: “I just don't---ooooh. . . . hold up.”


Her: *swinging around to look at my face* "What?"
Me: “Oooooh snaaaap.”
Her: “What?! What is it?!”
Me: “Umm . . . it’s . . .uh. . it’s . . . ooooh weee.”
Her: *shuddering* “Is it a . . .bug?”
Me: “A BUG? No!”

Me: *holding my side laughing*
Her: *eyes widening* "Then what is it, Dr Manning!?"


Me: *leaning in* “It's a . . . umm. . big. . .uhh. . . a big A blackhead."
Her: 😳


Her: "Wait what? Did you say 'a big A blackhead?'"
Me: "Yep."

Her: "Oh Lawd! Ugggh!"
Me: *raising eyebrows* "Want me to bust it?"
Her: *looks at me in horror* "Bust it?"
Me: "Yeah!"


Her: "I have a big A blackhead-- big enough to feel like I'm lying on . . . a rock?”


Her: "Lawd. I'm 'bout to pass out."
Me: "Maybe you're a princess."
Her: "A who?”
Me: “Like in the fairy tale.”

*covering her face*

Her: “PLEASE tell me you’re lying about this big A blackhead, Dr. Manning.”
Me: *grabbing gloves* “Nope. And I am SO about to bust this sucker."
Her: "Dr. Manning!"

Her: "Lord have mercy. You really gon' bust this big A blackhead on my back?"
Me: "OH yeah." *pretends to crack knuckles*
Her: "Seriously?"
Me: "Only if you want me to. Although I may need to call OB for some back up."
Her: 😩

We were nearly out of breath from laughing.
Her: "Is it a rule that you can't say big ASS blackhead?"
Me: "I'm probably not even supposed to say 'big A'."
Her: "I want you to put that in my chart--just like that. 'Diagnosis: Big A blackhead.'"
Me: "Nooo!"

*more laughter*

Me: "Okay. Lean forward." *cleans off area*
Me: “Oh snap! This thing is crowning!” *pressing gauze* "Whoooooaaaaaa."
Her: *gasping* "Dr. Maaaannniiiiing! Is it gross?"


Her: "Show me. Wait! No--don't! Wait! No--show me!" *flapping hands and cringing* "Wait! Don't!" *fake crying* "Look--I have goose bumps!"
Me: "I need to send this thing to the nursery to be weighed."
Her: 😩

I folded gauze into my glove and disposed of it.

Her: *shaking head* "Wait ‘til I tell my husband ‘bout my doctor busting a big A blackhead on my back!"
Me: "He probably saw it before I did.”
Her: 😳
Her: "Hey--I almost forgot. Remind me of the princess story."
Me: "‘The Princess and the Pea.’ Remember that one?"
Her: "Was it about a big A blackhead on her back?"


Nurse: *walking in* "Okay! Y'all are having way too much fun in here!"

Which was true.
After that I caught her up on a few more of our plans. Then I told her the story of the Princess and the Pea which she said she'd never heard but very much liked.

And that was it.

The entire exchange took <3 minutes--max. Comedone extraction included.

Some of the best advice I ever got as an intern was this:

"Let nothing be beneath you."

Which I always remembered. I'll also add this:

Don't let anyone tell you that there's not enough time to be human. Because there always is.


Got that, interns?
That day I popped a giant blackhead on a shoulder blade, tightened some cornrows on a patient's hair, bought a very nice non-diabetic patient an ice cold Coke in a red can, and even had a heated debate on who was the #dopest: Judge Judy or Judge Ginsberg.


And you know? None of those things had anything to do with ANY of the reasons those patients were hospitalized.


ALL of them had to do with helping a patient feel better.
Which is always the goal, right?


#findthefun #busyisaliar #iwasteamRBG
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