On white fragility/male fragility: In work settings and organizing spaces non white people, women’s and queer people’s opinions and thoughts tend to not be taken very seriously by authority formal and informal structures. This is f*cking debilitating to buikding a new society 1/
This happens to me all the god damn time when “white people” (race is a political construct) assume they have more expertise and more knowledge for no reason other than just because. This is where the caricature of the angry woman/black/brown person comes /2
When people within non dominant groups push back, there is this common dramatic feigned fragility like “HOW DARE YOU assume that I could have ever done such a thing.” Can we stop acting like this isn’t real/doesn’t matter and still expect to win politically? /3
This makes the reproduction of an authentic socialist politics pretty miserable. And we can also simulataneously understand that neoliberals capture and hollow out this discourse by over emphasizing form over substance under a market commodified techno politics /4
We know we need working class policies. But winning improvements in material conditions also requires a culture that distributes authority in a far more equitable way. People need to learn to listen more and challenge their ego constructions cultivated by Capitlaism /5
Yes racism/patriarchy is grounded in material forces. But it’s not zero sum. We need to hold this complexity if we want left politics to be generative. Ultimately I think it also means creating spaces for people to learn how to listen and share power/authority more effectively
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