It’s wild to me that, working three jobs, I just barely don’t qualify for CRRB because even though I work 6 days a week all the shifts are fairly short! So I make less than I would have before and will BARELY cover most my expenses :-)))) very cool!!
This is for anyone who thinks people wanting cerb are lazy - I’m still working three jobs but the hours are so reduced with covid operating hours that I would really benefit from a CERB top up because I’m currently making HALF what I did before the pandemic per month
Anyways we need UBI so that even if people are working they don’t have to stress if they’re not working “enough” to make ends meet (which, quite simply, they often won’t)
ALSO!!! My experience is not unique, but it’s also not as bad as MANY other folks! Having to work multiple jobs to make ends meet is disproportionately experienced by Black and Brown folks - yet another reason why UBI is a crucial piece of economic infrastructure in Canada!!
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