1/ I only have 27 followers, but here is what I have to say... trust your gut in all aspects of life. If it feels wrong, it is. Don’t ignore your intuition, and don’t ignore your closest family and friends. Invest in them as you would invest your money. Focus on the long term
2/ relationships as well as the energetic short term ones. Plant your seed and remember to water it daily. Some day, you will look back on life and realize it was all a sham. You’ll be sitting under your tree that started from a seedling, and you’ll laugh about what you
3/ chased. A lot will seem insignificant, but at the time, it meant the world to you. Take this current time, and water the seeds people have planted besides you. Our growth depends on our surroundings. If no one is watering your seed now, then plant it somewhere else. Because
4/ there is so much beauty amongst us. There is a world that wants to see you thrive. If the people around you have your back, they’ll water you, and even transplant you if the soil conditions are a-skewed. You have to nurture what you know, grow what you have seeded, and the
5/ rest will come back, especially when it’s needed. Be the sun before the storm, and the umbrella when it rains. And don’t forget, to lock in all them gains 😉 $doge $xrp $ada $btc $bsv $etc $link $bch $loveyouguys $trx $xtz
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