That's Not How The Fandom Works: Answering The Bizarre Delusion That Powers K-Industry & Fandom Expectations Regarding Their (Desperate) Anticipation of BTS's Hiatus
Disclaimer: This thread briefly references the "e-word" and BTS members. That's not the whole of this thread (far from it), but I understand for some people, the thought is triggering, so I'm putting a warning here. If thinking about it at all upsets you, skip this thread!

Let's start by defining a fandom. The definition I found that I like the best is this:

"The fans of a particular person, team, fictional series, etc. regarded collectively as a community or subculture."
From where I'm standing, the difference between "fan" and "fandom" is the difference between "I enjoy Star Trek" and "I am a Trekkie." One characterizes enjoyment of the content. The other identifies specifically as part of the community.
You do not have to be part of a fandom to be a fan. However, it is very stupid to think of the ARMY fandom as something that can be uprooted and separated from whatever the group has built itself around for the purpose of future profit.
This is the incredible (for all the wrong reasons) logic I keep seeing getting applied to ARMY. Because they, for some bizarre reasons, refuse to accept that we're not only a fandom, but a stable one.
And because I happen to not have anything better to do at the moment, here's a not-too-polite takedown of all the pathetic expectations and delusions regarding ARMY fandom behavior in the absence of BTS as a group due to a hiatus.
The "As Soon As BTS Goes Away, Our Group/Our Faves Will Rise!" Theory

Oh, brother. Exactly how good or memorable could any group be if it's entire future is staked on the absence of BTS?

That's like people attempting to get by now on comparisons to BTS. Like, at what point does anyone give a damn based on the group's OWN identity?
Also, this gamble has NEVER worked for anyone. No group because exceedingly famous for being the next version of a popular group. Nor is anyone instantly memorable because someone else stopped being famous or went on hiatus.

That's not how the world works!
In fact, I predict that because the universe has a perverse sense of humor, the next big thing is going to be so far removed from BTS, that it's going to leave everyone waiting to release/be the "next BTS" looking and feeling dumb.
The ""If BTS Isn't Around, ARMY Will Jump To Another Group!" Theory

First of all, why are you weirdoes so obsessed with the idea of ARMY abandoning BTS? Or the idea that BTS is "pretending" to love ARMY? BTS and ARMY are a team. I know y'all hate to see it, but that doesn't change the reality!
ARMY is probably the first time the Korean and International arms of a Korean group genuinely got along and we worked for YEARS to keep each other up to date and plan future strategies.

Y'all think I-ARMY are going to give this up to go be treated as second class citizens?
You really think that we, a successful fandom and community, are going to abandon each other so we can ALL go be part of an inept group of people who will inevitably expect us to do all the work because they're either too stupid, too lazy, or otherwise can't be bothered?
There are PLENTY of things that ARMY can do and will enjoy doing that does not involve fleeing into anonymity to be flop stans of a random group with terrible music and worse management, populated by those who feel *most* productive when they cosplay as ARMY. 🍵
ARMY is a fandom made up of diverse tastes. There are plenty of genres and artists we enjoy. Like members of ANY group of fans. 😊👍🏾

But seriously, why would we suddenly join ranks with the idiots who've harassed and tried to demoralize this whole time? Say no to cr*ck!

Openly thirsting for ARMY coins and praying to be able to exploit us in the future is a waste of time.

Perform market research. Try to join forces with genuinely excited members of your fandom to promote your faves. Buy their music. Seriously, that's a big one.
BTS is technically on hiatus right now and they're STILL collecting fans by the boatload. Because guess what? Their discography, TV appearances, Shows and docu-series, MVs, etc. are still in existence.
I'll just say that if you think the only way to shine is by waiting on a star to leave the room, you were never that bright.
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