The very word "Christ" was derived from the word "Krishna"


Christians believe in Trinity

Father - Son - Holy Spirit

Son = Jesus
Father = Krishna ( Christ )

Bible not much description about God
Bhagavad Gita - Complete details about God
In Bible Jesus says
" There are so many things i have to tell you "

In Gita Bhagwan Krishna says
" I have said everything to you , there is nothing more to tell"

Christianity = Comma
Sanatana Dharma = Full Stop
Its like the difference between a pocket & Elaborate dictionary

You find words like " Love " " Help" etc in both dictionaries

But some words like" pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"- a supposed lung disease - 45 letters.
can be found only in a large dictionary
Similarly Some words like

"Love God "
"Be Kind" are found Both in Bible and Gita

but detailed description of

Kingdom of God
Transmigration of Soul
Devotional service to God

are found only in Gita
Jesus says " Thou Shall not Kill "
But i see most Christians eat meat.

But they say " Jesus Loves You " , I agree Jesus loves you , but the question is do you love Jesus

When you cant follow a simple instruction of Jesus "Thou shall not kill" Where is question of loving Jesus
Jesus says " Love all living beings as you love yourself" . How can you do violence in the kitchen and talk about love and peace in the living room ?
Jesus says " Sin No more" , but why do you commit sin and do Atonement ?

Jesus Spilt blood for us - If you dont commit any Sin where is the need for Jesus to Spill blood for you ?
Bhagwan sends his representatives based on

Circumstances &

Who Where the Audience of Jesus -Bedouin's barbaric Nomadic tribes

Who were the Audience of Sukhadev Goswami in Naimiswaranya (Srimad Bhagawatham) - Self realized souls

There is a Difference
Some people throw away pure Diamond in their hands and keep hankering for broken pieces of glass

Hare Krishna 🙏
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