If anyone requires an object lesson about what happens to *45’s allies, I invite you to examine the now-ended career of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.

First to declare for *45, fervent supporter and admirer, kicked out of the AG job after recusing himself.🧵
Sessions had been a Senator for decades,but gleefully left his seat to jump to *45’s service as a malevolent garden gnome civil rights troll and recidivist.

And this year, tried to run for his old seat again. *45 spurned him roundly, and endorsed his opponent.2/
a guy who might have been a good football coach (how would I know?), but who is utterly unqualified for public office.
And this one time, *45’s endorsement seems to have had an effect.
Sessions lost. He lost everything. 3/
So many of you poor suckers that think *45’s got your back? You are living in a dream world.
With your help, he crashed the economy.
With your aid, he ignored the pandemic.
You let him off the hook, gaily posturing and capering for an audience of 1. 4/
And he’s killing off his own base.
Do you think any of his dubious charms will rub off on you, and let YOU survive?

Consider Jeff Sessions, and think again.

Because we will remember in November who tried to take our health care away. And who let him off the hook.
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