"To illustrate, it is like saying Usain Bolt’s rate for running the mile is 2.5-3 minutes based on his world record 9.58 second 100-meter dash. As great as Mr. Bolt is, nobody thinks he could run a mile at that pace" https://twitter.com/2Aupdates/status/1285293639623745536
"The State has not shown that it is humanly possible to manipulate a trigger, control recoil, and manipulate a trigger again 30 times within a 5-second period (i.e., six trigger pulls per second)."
"[The state] has not, however, put forth any direct evidence showing how the difference in accuracy between a Banned Rifle and a rifle lacking the Enumerated Features made a difference in any mass shooting. When pressed, the State’s expert could not think of any."
"The AWCA restricts the Enumerated Features. It does not restrict AR-15 receivers, which would have the quality the State complains about irrespective of the Enumerated Features."
"Instead, the State attempts to discredit Appellants’ figure of 9-15 million Banned Rifles possessed by the American public as an 'overestimation.'... If anything, his estimate is low."
"Tellingly, the State itself anticipated over one million registrations in 2016 alone."
"In any event, the State does not really argue that Appellants have failed to show that the Banned Rifles are 'typically possessed for self-defense'... Instead, the State claims that Appellants 'offered no evidence' to show the Banned Rifles 'are commonly used for self-defense.'"
"What’s more, the State concedes that the AWCA does not restrict how rapidly a rifle can fire, but merely restricts how accurately one can fire. The logical conclusion of its position is that the State asserts that public safety is furthered by inaccurate fire."
"It is a mystery how the State can determine their proportional use in crime without knowing how many rifles are in circulation."
"...even assuming those numbers are accurate, the State cannot isolate the Banned Rifles as the culprit for the alleged higher casualty counts—particularly when the State has blamed 'large capacity magazines' for the problem elsewhere."
"The State does not dispute that, as a matter of physics, shots fired from a semiautomatic firearm are no more powerful than shots fired from a non-semiautomatic firearm using the same ammunition."
"Indeed, Dr. Colwell admitted that he cannot tell how quickly shots are fired merely by looking at wounds. What’s more, Dr. Colwell cannot confirm that any wound he opines on is from a Banned Rifle just by looking at it."
"The State’s only response to this is that its author conceded that New Zealand’s recent law banning semiautomatic weapons 'will likely reduce casualties from mass shootings.' Of course, a complete ban on semiautomatic weapons is irrelevant in analyzing the AWCA..."
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