Wolves in Wolves Clothing: Shelob's Web
From Ferguson to Palestine to the Oval?

Imagine if Marxist activists that are filling our streets with chaos and disorder found a footing in the Oval office? Well, it's closer than we think. In this thread, we explore the connections of BYP100, Dream Defenders, and how they are working their way into the White House.
But its important to go back in time to how this group of people connected. In 2014, Ferguson erupted in protests and riots over Michael Brown. As a result, a group of Palestinian Univ. students came to the U.S. https://right2edu.tumblr.com/tour 
So who are the Dream Defenders?
But more importantly, who are their friends? https://twitter.com/lsarsour/status/474974588720644096?s=20
Dream Defenders is actually funded by...Tides Foundation.
This is just a very quick piece on what is becoming a tangled web of Marxists. There are a lot of questions being left to be answered, but what is becoming clear is that this "Movement" is anything but grassroots.
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