Here are the statistics for inter-regional marriages, so you can judge for yourself if this is worth looking into.

Between 2007 to 2017, 3,595,447 marriages were approved between regions.
The average age of men is in their 40s, the average age of women is in their 20s
8,686 marriages involved a minor under the age of 18
Two minors were 13 years old
38 were 14 years old;
269 were 15
1,768 were 16 years old; and the remaining 6,609 were 17 years old.
Girls were the younger party in 95 percent of the inter-regional marriages.
The majority of the marriages were between men from regions where they earned 20x the average income of the woman's typically impoverished regions.

If the marriage is not consummated within a short grace period, the (usually female) partner is forced to return to their region.
The men are overwhelmingly ethnic majority, the women ethnic minority.

These women, understandably are reported to experience domestic and sexual violence at a far higher rate than their local peers, but due to cultural reasons, this is understudied and under-reported.
While this may seem like sex trafficking codified into law by men who feel entitled to young sexual partners made compliant by poverty, I'm told that the vast majority of these marriages, across a 2x age gap, 20x income gap, after meeting each other for only a few weeks...
...when one party and their family who usually rely on them for support will be rendered destitute if they disobey the wishes of the other, are actually the result of true and authentic, loving connection.
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