For years, Oakland staff dealt with developers behind the scenes to sell city owned property, playing favorites, trying to maximize sales value.

Now because of AB1486, the city has to actually declare these numerous properties surplus and prioritize affordable housing. #OakMtg
Staff is proposing to declare 16 properties surplus, starting with 4 properties and offering these to affordable housing developers, schools, or other govt agencies for development.
Councilmember Bas says she frustrated this is only happening now after years of inaction by the city to formalize its public lands policy. She says city should seek to lease these lands to maintain leverage and prioritize affordable housing.
Unsurprisingly the item passes unanimously.

Besides AB1486 which closed the loopholes Oakland used to avoid compliance with the SLA, the real estate market has also cratered, so there probably aren't lots of market-rate developers seeking these parcels now.
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