🧠 Erikson's psychosocial development theory stages as the planets: a thread 🧠

So, I assigned each one of these to a planet because that way I won't forget and many of you wanted to know which ones I assigned to each so here it is along with my reasoning!
For the people who are not familiar with this: It's a psychology theory created by Erik Erikson. He said that personality develops through eight stages and that during each, the person experiences a psychosocial crisis which could have a + or - effect in personality development.
According to this theory, successfully completing each stage results in a healthy personality and acquisition of basic virtues which help to resolve other crises and conflicts later.
Stage 1: Trust vs Mistrust
The Moon

So during this stage the infant is uncertain and mistrustful of their surroundings and relies on their caregiver for security and care. If their emotional needs are met, they will be trustful of their relationships.
If they're not met, the child will become mistrustful and suspicious and won't be confident in their ability to influence events.

I think this one is pretty self explanatory, the emotional nurturing and security are key Lunar characteristics.
Stage 2: Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt

Here the children focus on developing a sense of control over physical skills, independence & testing their limits through exploration. If they're encouraged and supported they'll feel more secure in their ability to survive in the world
If they're overly controlled and criticized over their failures, they may become insecure and feel a sense of shame or doubt in their abilities.

This is the stage where they play with their toys & want to dress themselves. These characteristics & results just scream Saturn tbh
Stage 3: Initiative vs Guilt

During this stage the children assert themselves more frequently & parents may see their behavior as aggressive. They begin to make up games and initiate activities with others. If encouraged they develop a sense of initiative and feel secure in
leading others and making decisions. If not, they develop a sense of guilt and will overstep in forcefulness. The danger is that the parents will punish and restrict the child's initiatives too much.

Again, initiative, action, leading, making decisions, that's all Mars
Stage 4: Industry vs Inferiority

Beginning of learning how to read and write, to do math and do things on their own. Teachers take an important role as they teach them specific skills, demonstrate ability to accomplish goals. If they're encouraged they begin to feel
competent and confident in ability to achieve their goals. If not, the child begins to feel inferior and doubts their abilities.

The strategic emphasis of this stage is definitely Mercurial and obviously learning, writing and reading too
Stage 5: Identity vs Role Confusion

Here adolescents search for a sense of self & personal identity through exploration of personal values, beliefs and goals. Very important stage, middle ground betweeen morality learned by the child & ethics to be developed by the adult
If successful they will be able to commit and accept others even when there's ideological differences. Failure to establish a sense of identity can lead to role confusion, aka not being sure of themselves or their place in society.

Yeah this is just... Jupiter LOL
Stage 6: Intimacy vs Isolation

Young adults center on forming intimate loving relationships with other people, we begin to share ourselves more intimately with others and explore long-term commitments with someone other than a family member.
If successful, it results in an individual with happy relationships, a sense of commitment, safety and care within relationships. Avoiding intimacy, fearing relationships and commitment can lead to isolation & loneliness.

Relationships, commitment, intimacy, all Venus territory
Stage 7: Generativity vs Stagnation

Middle adulthood. Making their mark on the world through creating or nurturing things that will live on. A need to create things that will outlast them & mentor others, creating positive changes that benefit other people. Give back t
through becoming involved in communities and organizations. Develop a sense of being a part of the bigger picture. Success leads to feelings of accomplishment and usefulness. Failure, to shallow involvement with the world.

Again Jupiter, tones of its joy in the 11H also show.
Stage 8: Ego Integrity vs Despair

Contemplation of accomplishments and development of integrity if we see ourselves as leading a successful life. People who reflect on their life and regret not having achieved their goals will feel bitterness and despair.
Acceptance of one's life cycle. Sense of coherence and wholeness. Success allows for welcoming of death without fear, failure, to dissatisfaction and hopelessness.

The evaluation of life through all the other stages and satisfaction with one's life just sound Solar to me tbh lol
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