I really enjoyed having the opportunity to talk with history educators tonight about teaching the history of Confederate monuments and the current controversy. Thanks @historyed.

I want to share my response to one specific question that every educator should consider.
The subject of Confederate monuments is a highly controversial and politically charged subject. That doesn't mean you shouldn't introduce your students to it, but certain precautions should be considered. First, remember that how parents and the broader community interpret...
...your lesson plans and class discussions is beyond your control. Anticipate pushback by making sure that you clearly articulate the goals of your lesson. What do you hope to accomplish by introducing this subject to your students?

Inform your department chair and any...
...other administrators that may need to know of your plans beforehand. You may even want to send a note home to your students' parents to keep them in the loop.

Finally, give yourself the room to learn from mistakes that may be experienced along the way. We are all learning.
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