Just finished Atomic Habits by @JamesClear. Red post its are female examples of productivity/success/research, the rest are male. If these atomic habits are applicable for everyone - Clear says we all have the same 24 hours of the day - why so few women in this book?
Because the truth is, we don’t all have the same 24 hours in the day.

Who does James Clear’s laundry? Who cooks Michael Phelps’ food? Who looks after Jerry Seinfeld’s children?
These male-written productivity self help books never account for the hidden hours women spend on work that appears to yield rewards that don’t appear on a success scale. The books don’t say that of course, but the lack of female examples communicates.
Cal Newport’s Deep Work is another offender, also 5 female examples. Maybe that’s the magic number editors need from male authors?
Ladies who buy productivity books written by male authors, think harder about why these guys are able to “accomplish” their goals while they also go to the gym and find time to read in the evenings.
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