So I was told that “Mahabharata war cannot end on an Amavasya because the light post sunset is not sufficiently enough to fight” by #5561BCE supporters.
Let’s destroy this argument with direct evidence
I touched upon this a few months ago..
Chapter 163 GP (Gita Press) verses:
The precise number of “mashaal “ per chariot, precise number on elephants and elsewhere are given.
So... you can see in the above tweet that verse 18 showed this.
What does verse 15 say?
“The entire army lit up due to the lighted fires and looked brilliantly illuminated “
Now question arises why only after Bhisma falls do all these things about fighting at night occur?
It’s a very simple answer and I am sure that people here will easily answer this question...
I will wait till mid morning and then give this answer too.. Pranaam.
So, 2+ reasons why war continues into the night:
1: Ghatotkacha, a Rakshasa is brought into operational strategy by Sri Krishna. Rakshasas r more powerful at night and war strategy went for the night.
2. Bhisma fell day 10 so the steadying hand of an elder and great warrior lost
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