Helluva scoop & well written article again if you’re not following @BrandyZadrozny you are really missing out on some phenomenal, fact filled & informative reporting
trust me, take the time to read her recent article - I learned about a dozen things just by reading it https://twitter.com/BrandyZadrozny/status/1285726300200673286

“will ban QAnon-related terms from appearing in trending topics and its search feature, ban known QAnon-related URLs, and ban “swarming” of victims who are baselessly targeted by coordinated harassment campaigns pushed by its followers“
I give Twitter a really hard time but this action is refreshing & most welcomed - see the highlighted paragraph that’s pretty laudable

And by receipts I mean:
FBI Affidavit of that bizarre kidnapping plot✔️
FBI Bulletin✔️ https://twitter.com/File411/status/1214432349900939264?s=20
Wait - hold up - you mean “swarming“ is real?
That the tactic is used in an attempt to harass, like a coordinated harassment campaign.
bejesus now you tell us...snort
Gosh it’s oddly reaffirming to see it in black & white text
You can follow @File411.
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