ok I kinda realised this after some time and I choose to talk about it now since @skeletonjacket kinda inspired me to hehe ❤️. Idk but i find this fucking weird. Im studying in a med school together with Sri Lankans. (tamils from SL and the sinhalese students) My experience- https://twitter.com/urmomisasundal/status/1285721257141506053
with them is abit...off? So I am the kinda person who’s interested in learning someone’s culture and especially if they’re from a different country and I love politics. So I was really curious about how Sri Lanka is and I did a quick google-search about the nation and they mostly
-boast about how rich their culture is and the tourism and the war between the Eelam Tamils and the sinhalese ? But noone really talks about the genocide and the unfairness the Tamils go thru in SL? And i didn’t really understand how there’s also Sri Lankans who are muslims and-
-christians so I thought of asking my friend (who i shall not name) the history of it where she quickly deflected and said she didn’t know and she felt really uncomfortable talking about it so I stopped asking. So I thought of querying bout it from my Tamil friends from SL but I-
-refrained after some time cause I was worried if it was insensitive or uncomfortable for them to explain bout the country where they’re continuously being oppressed.. I have other Sinhalese friends from SL who are supposedly “woke” but when it comes to the genocide of the Eelam-
-Tamils they refuse to talk about it or acknowledge it so I find it pretty unsettling..... So I have a question for them now, why do your supposedly “woke” ass post about the Rohingyas and other injustices but refuse to talk about the genocide of the Eelam Tamils going on IN-
-YOUR OWN COUNTRY? or do you not know about what’s happening or you choose to be ignorant and turn a blind-eye?
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