Ted Yoho needs to do more than just apologize for this. He needs to use his platform to explain to his base that is cheering for this why it's wrong. Thread: https://twitter.com/AaronBlake/status/1285563399691284481
1/ If you want to wade into some darkness, go on the Twitter of Facebook comments of male vs female members of Congress. Pick a couple with similar policy positions to keep it fair.
2/ You'll notice a lot of trolls, but look at the tone. MOCs who look like me get called ridiculous things. Chinese communists. Socialists. Whatev. It's so ridiculous you can ignore it

But MOCs who are women or POC get 4-letter words and threats of violence.
3/ That's serious. But it's also so ubiquitous that we take it for granted. Think about it - if you wrote a letter to a Member of Congress threatening violence, you'd likely get FBI surveilance. But a similar threat on social is just treated as a price of fame. That is ABSURD.
4/ Some of that is the dynamics of social media. But a bigger and more important part is because people follow the signalling of people in power. When Trump lurks behind Hillary at a debate, he signals that's OK. When Yoho speaks about a female MOC like this, he does the same.
5/ I know that @GOP leadership is embarrassed by Yoho's remarks. But they are also accomplices. You can't tolerate Steve King, or Trump [or many more names that will chew thru 280 char limits] as long as they did and claim to stand for decency.
6/ So the question is what do they do next. If their goal is to get this out of the news cycle, Yoho will apologize to AOC in some public magnanimous way, maybe claim he never used the f-bomb and they'll line up behind him and say let's move on.
7/ But if they understand the underlying problem, if they comprehend the physical risks that famous women and minorities have to deal with, that ain't nearly enough. Because if they understand that, the audience ain't the media: it's their base.
8/ So at this point, the trivial question is for Yoho. He's retiring. The question is for @GOPLeader. He claims to be a leader. Is he going to lead his base to a more tolerant place, or is he going to try to convince try to convince the media to change the subject?
9/ Door one is leadership. Door two is cowardice. Please, @GOPleader. Lead.
10/ One final observation. Ted Yoho has 3 kids. Two daughters. They are (roughly) AOC's age. Think about what it takes to talk to your kid's peers with the anger and immaturity he did. It boggles the mind.
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