Since it's a hot topic today:
-Drugs aren't properly scheduled based on their dangers
-Some drugs that were previously demonized are now socially acceptable (weed, alcohol)
-War on Drugs was a vehicle for mass incarceration
-War on Drugs hasn't stopped drug use and sales
-War on Drugs had racist intent (crack was made illegal before cocaine, namely targeting black metropolitan areas)
-Psychedelics and empathogens have been shown to be beneficial for therapy while still being scheduled wrongly as less useful and more dangerous than meth
-Portugal, a country that had one of the worst drug problems in the world, decriminalized all drugs and offered help to those using them has shown remarkably high recovery rates and lowered Hep-C and HIV transmission rates
-The DARE program is a failed campaign that may have actually increased drug usage, and is still going on in some parts of the US today, which is part of where your tax dollars are going
-Isn't it funny that the war on drugs just happened to start two years after Woodstock? 🤔
If your concern is about drug safety, I recommend doing some research before getting on your soapbox. There's plenty of it out there on the web and demonizing drug users is a surefire way to exacerbate drug abuse rather than fix it

Please PLEASE do some research on this
Also just to be certain: I'm not saying drugs can't be dangerous or that everyone should do them. I am saying, however, that you should be informed about this subject and make decisions based on research rather than that one cop who told you in elementary school that "drugs bad"
If you need an easy way to start looking into these things, this video is a good and easy start, but it's still only a start. Read studies, look at sociological data, papers, SOMETHING
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