Chelsea’s goalkeeper issue. A thread.

The GK spot is one that Frank and *a lot* of chels fans want sorting.
& I’ve seen a lot of names being thrown about as replacements. I’m going to try to take a look at the potential options we have in a little thread. [1/10]
To start, we have to look at the present GK, Kepa. We can all agree he’s had a pretty dreadful season. He’s ranked 13th for clean sheets and LAST for save %. For sure, he has potential, but we’re ChelseaFC. We cannot afford to have such a poor GK if we want to win trophies.[2/10]
Next option is onana. At first look, a solid GK. But when you analyse closer, he only has the 7th highest save % in the Eridevisie - a vastly lower quality league compared to the PL. Watching him, you can also see that he has issues commanding his box from crosses. [3/10]
I really don’t think onana is the saviour we are all hoping for, although I wouldn’t be surprised if we do sign him. [4/10]
Next is a pretty unlikely one, Oblak. Arguably the best in the world right now. I don’t think I need stats to explain this one.
The price tag, and Atletico’s desire to keep him, though, are both huge stumbling blocks that I cant see us getting past. Would love him though. [5/10]
Next is that “Turkish bloke” that we’ve been linked to -Çakir. A relatively unknown player. He has the second highest save % in the Super Lig, whilst having the 4th highest amount of saves. A very impressive stat. From highlight videos and stats, he looks to be a great GK [6/10]
I know the Super Lig isn’t the most elite league, but I still think he would be a solid option, and an upgrade on Kepa right now. He would also be cheap, and because of that, be under less pressure to fulfil a price tag - something that I think has affected kepa. [7/10]
Lastly, I’ll be talking about a GK that we haven’t (to my knowledge) been seriously linked to - Nick Pope. I think he would be perfect for Chelsea. A proven PL goalkeeper, with bags of experience in the league. [8/10]
He has a far higher save % than kepa, whilst facing far more shots on target. He also commands the box far better than Kepa. Saying he’d be an instant upgrade is an understatement. It’d be a safe move, though probably quite pricy. I still think he’d be perfect for us. [9/10]
I believe Pope and Çakir would be the best, and safest options. I think that Onana and Çakir are the most likely options. Oblak would be amazing but I cannot see it happening.
Whatever happens, I expect to see a new number 1 come through the doors of Cobham this summer [10/10]
And hopefully, one day in my life, I’ll see a goalkeeper wear the Chelsea shirt with as much pride, and passion as this man... thanks for reading !
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