I have absolutely no idea how to code. Closest I have come to coding is writing sql queries. In last 4 months, I have explored many no code platforms to build my startup. My goal was to minimize time to market. Sharing my experience with these tools...
1. Glideapps: http://glideapps.com 

I created my entire MVP for free using glideapps (check it out: http://app.steerme.in ). It uses google sheets as backend & provides super easy process to create beautiful frontend. I shipped v1 of my MVP in 5 days using glideapps
2. Integromat: http://integromat.com 

All automations (email, calendar, sms) are facilitated by it in Steerme's MVP. It's as simple as joining 2 dots & specifying some conditions. No api, no code has to be written. It took me 1 day to learn + 3 days to deploy all integrations
3. Calendly: http://calendly.com 

Steerme is a mentor network where students can find and talk to college mentors. Scheduling for us was a primary functionality. We created 100s of calendlys for booking mgmt & it was a breeze! My first POC was via a calendly link (10 min 😂)
4. Godaddy website builder: http://godaddy.com 

We purchased our domain name at godaddy. This is a shoutout to their website builder. I've tried WordPress, but godaddy website builder was easy enough to get the job done in 2 days. Be wary though, it has very limited features
5. Typeform: http://typeform.com 

We collect mentor/student feedbacks after each call. It's super easy to use + beautiful.

6. Google forms: http://forms.google.com 
We use google forms for mentor registrations. Integration with sheets really helps

Time to mkt: 15 min 😂
7. Instagram: http://instagram.com 
For us, Instagram is primary method for user engagement + acquisition. In addition to this, it helped us:
a) Increase engagement via insta live
b) Get structured user feedback via stories
c) Evaluation of usecases via deep post analytics
8. Google analytics: http://analytics.google.com 

Glideapps connects directly with google analytics. Like any other analytics tool, we can create funnels, understand user flows, monitor key metrics etc.
10. Whatsapp click to chat : (google it)

I feel this is a feature that should be talked about more. You can make a link to send whatsapp messages to unsaved numbers. Can also provide a text to quickly send messages across. According to me, every B2C MVP in India should have this
11. Google sheets: http://sheets.google.com 

Steerme runs on google sheets!
It's our app backend, planning tool, content management tool and what not.
PS: items in this list will certainly increase. Will keep adding more no code solutions that help me build Steerme. Would love to learn about more solutions that you found helpful.
Thanks a lot for the amazing response everyone! Didn't expect this at all.

Let me capitalize this traffic to onboard driven mentors on Steerme. You can register here to become a mentor: https://forms.gle/iUFX5D9E2ixcdkyN6
Any college student/graduate can apply. DM me for more

In addition to this, I would love to get some no code recommendations for following:
1. Payments integration (India)
2. 1-1 chat (alternative to sendbird)
3. Call masking (India)
4. Blogging for SEO
5. Whatsapp for business API

(Still evaluating solutions in mkt for these)

You can follow @bvaidehi_.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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