Analysis of #Tesla Model 3 Chinese Reseller Discounts:
1. These are 2019 Model 3 SR cars. MIC Model 3 cars were not delivered until 1/7/2020, meaning these were imported from Fremont, and were channel-stuffed to make Q3 or Q4 '19 numbers.
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2. Reseller notes orig. price as ~$41.8k, but the new discounted price is ~$36k. Tesla obviously did a fleet sale at a lower price and/or has a RVG. The discounted price is also $2,828 lower than Tesla's MIC Model 3 SR. Meaning, Tesla eats a loss on each of these.
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3. #Tesla's response is intentionally misleading. They deny cooperation with the reseller "on this activity", and say that they didn't sell any cars specifically "for this promotion", but they can't deny a deeply discounted fleet sale/RVG. Complete PR/sleaze response.
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CREDIT: @shanghaidaily $TSLAQ 4/3
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