July 19th marked 7 years of Australia's offshore processing policy that has seen 12 people dead, 100s returned to their countries of origin & 1000s stuck in limbo for several years, sentenced to indefinite detention on the remote islands of Nauru & PNG.
Today, after 7 long years & more than $7billion of taxpayers’ money spent, the Government still has no plans in place for those detained across these inhumane detention centres. In fact, continues to further impose punitive measures on this vulnerable community.
A country that prides itself on a fair ago for everyone & providing equal opportunities for all is undoubtedly acting contrary to these values in sentencing vulnerable, already traumatised & persecuted people to indefinite periods of detention.
NRAAG & the communities it represents, find the gov’s sustained cruelty through this policy deeply shocking, utterly unacceptable & unbearable for those in detention & collaterally harmful for our wider communities who've fled only to find safety; not further harm.
It is in the interest of all involved to end this inhumane policy that should no longer continue! #7YearsTooLong
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