ANGRY #TEACHER THREAD: If you say you admire our teachers yet are pushing for a hybrid model, respectfully, you are an idiot who clearly does not care about our teachers or our children. 1/2
If you're going to treat teachers like babysitter, the least you can do is pay them like know a nice $15/ PER CHILD. This is disgusting and a gross denigration of our already underappreciated, underpaid educators. #BacktoSchool #COVID #TeacherStrong
And before you disagree, let me know if you've ever spent one day in a classroom of 35 First Graders, who can hardly tie their shoes or pull up their pants on their own. You think our babies are going to be able to keep masks on for more than a few hours?
Oh, and why are teachers not getting Hazard Pay this school year? We're not #Essential enough for you? #EssentialWorkers
And before you complain that your #Teachers don't care and just want to #StayHome , ask any passionate and dedicated teacher how much they miss their kiddos and how much they want to go #BackToSchool. #AtHomeEducation is yet another example of teachers putting YOUR children first
Have you given more than a moments thoughts to firedrills? Lockdowns?
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