As the country focuses on Federal violence in Portland, it's important to remember how we got here: through a deliberate campaign to repress dissent by the Portland Police, the State, and the far-right.

Below is a brief overview of this collaboration over the last few years:
April 28th, 2017: after the 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade was cancelled, the Multnomah County GOP and the far-right cast unfounded blame on antifascists, beginning an ongoing hysteria around antifascism.
June 4th, 2017: the Portland Police attack antifascists so that they can escort Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, Identity Europa, and other contingents of violent white supremacists to their cars.
June 22nd, 2018: our third #DoxxAllYourBoys article comes out, highlighting Russel Schultz, a violent Proud Boy . On February 18th, 2019, we confirm that he is related to Micah Coring, a member of Federal Law Enforcement in Portland:
February 7th, 2019: The Portland City Council passes a resolution condemning white supremacy. We post an article in response, which names two known white supremacists working for the city of Portland. Neither lost their job.
February 21st, 2019: The Police hold a listening session regarding the texts between Gibson and the PPB, which went predictably poorly. We posted an article in response on February 22nd, which highlights the above instances of collaboration and more:
July 18th, 2019: Sens. Ted Cruz and Bill Cassidy introduce a resolution to designate "antifa" a terrorist organization. We release a statement in response, which was cosigned by over 120 other groups and organizations.
By the way - Ted Cruz can be seen posing with Enrique Tarrio, leader of the violent Proud Boys, in these photos posted July 19th, 2019
August 17th, 2019: Portland Police arrest someone for spitting in their direction, escort the Proud Boys across a closed bridge to keep them ~safe~, and arrest Alex Dial (betacuck4lyfe) for...preventing a murder?
December 22nd, 2019: we post our "year in review" for 2019, highlighting the collaboration between the state and far-right. Read for more examples!
And now we're here: over 50 days of continued protests against police brutality. Every night, the police assault protesters and bystanders. And somehow, the Feds decided that the PPB are not being quite violent enough, and wanted to try their hand.
After years of violence, brutality, and repression, Portland is stronger and more resilient than ever. We've never been more prepared to fight for what we believe in and what is right.

Solidarity with everyone fighting to end their violence. Together we can build a better world.
You can follow @RoseCityAntifa.
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