Here is section 1 of the Code. It's pretty clear. When it comes to service, you can expect to be treated equally and without discrimination based on a protected ground.
Are there exceptions? Sure. But they are narrow. Here they are:
In simple terms, if you are a special interest organization, you may be allowed to limit "membership and participation". If you are registered as someone who can solemnize a marriage, you may also be allowed to refuse to solemnize a marriage based on your religious beliefs.
So, e.g. if you are a private Christian club, you can deny someone entry into your club based on their religion. But there are three things you have to show in order to qualify as a special interest organization (screen capture from
If you are also part of an organization that favour certain groups in order to ameliorate their situation to address historical disadvantage, you may also fit within an exception:
If private businesses could do whatever they wanted, you could be legally denied a coffee because of your skin colour. You could be legally turned away from a retail store because of your gender. You could be legally told that you won't get internet because of your religion.
I think we can agree that most of us don't walk into a major supermarket and, if turned away due to our religion or sexual orientation or ethnicity, think "ah well, its a private business, so that's ok". But for some reason, in this case, it seems to be a prevailing theme.
Add before you quote the Charter and freedom of religion at me, Charter does not apply to private businesses. And on a similar vein, before you ask me, "what about my right to my religious beliefs?" - no one says you do not have a right to hold whatever beliefs you want. But..
That doesn't necessarily mean your beliefs allow you to act in a way that discriminates against others. Tl;dr? Don't discriminate against someone based on sexual orientation or any other protected ground.
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