Hey! Btw! @CDRATrucks drivers! Don't hesitate to hit up @bpward24, @PaducahBazooka and @jce504 among others for advice or tips. They're great resources who have been at this game for a long time and are willing to help out.
We're also going to go with @arcafan69's practice idea. We'll have two servers going up at 8 PM Eastern, with 30 minutes of practice, then the actual race server going up at 8:30 eastern with 30 minutes there. That way everyone should have a clearer track for getting laps in.
And even though the regular season is about to start, I'm still down for some tweaks. If you guys would like more practice, or test sessions, or whatever, let me know.

We might not be able to do sweeping changes, but little tweaks are not out of the realm of possibility!
You can follow @notdamboise.
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