. @RealCathyOBrien has commented about what her handler Alex Houston allegedly said to her about @POTUS President Donald J. Trump.
Cathy O'Brien: “'Trump is not one of us,' my MK Ultra handler Alex Houston warned as he dropped me off inside the doors of Atlantic City’s most opulent casino. It was 1985, and I was under robotic MK Ultra mind control orders to meet Reagan’s attaché Philip Habib."
Cathy O'Brien's words continue from here on out.

"Saying someone is ‘not one of us’ was common trigger phraseology that forbid I should have ‘any contact any time anywhere with anyone’ outside the cabal of New World Order Deep State perpeTraitors." http://archive.is/ETgq9 
"A Threat To The Deep State

Donald Trump was of deep concern to those shadow government criminals in control of my mind, our media, information, education, and justice system."
"I had no ability to question or reason under mind control, or I would have wondered what it was about Trump that intimidated them so much that he was ‘forbidden’."
"Today, people often ask me what I knew about Trump....Like everyone else, I am experiencing our President and his Administration’s accomplishments as we live through these pivotal times in history."
"I never thought I’d live to see the deeply entrenched swamp being drained, exposing the vast array of swamp creatures lurking in the murk."
"Mark [Phillips] and I often pondered how dismantling the New World Order could possibly be accomplished....This would require a Great Awakening of biblical proportions."

More about Mark and Cathy here: https://trance-formation.com/about-mark-and-cathy/
"People also ask if I support Trump....I scrutinize political actions, integrity of promises kept, and support positive changes on their own merits."
"People...need only to read my testimony in TRANCE for their own answers and insight into the magnitude of what is being accomplished today."
"Human trafficking is now being effectively addressed rather than sanctioned on federal levels, while we-the-people are empowered to take vigilant action in our own communities."
"What my daughter and I endured under White House/Pentagon level MK Ultra mind control must never be allowed to happen to anyone ever again."
"Indeed, New World Order/Deep State perpeTraitors said it all when they claimed that Trump is not one of them… which, in turn, makes him one of US."
The use of the coded phrase "one of us" struck me so here are the results of an online search for this term in popular culture.
"He is not one of us"

"Us and them"
2017 "One of Us" (a different movie) "When a pragmatic, no-nonsense construction worker begins seeing strange creatures after suffering a head injury, he thinks he is losing his mind; but when he is kidnapped by a cult..." https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3645618/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl
2018 - "One of Us" (NCIS S10 Ep7) "The team partners with the State Department after the murder of an arms dealer is connected to a series of crimes that appear to be done by someone with elite forces training." ("Was it one of us?") https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9187834/
Urban Dictionary, "One Of Us": "When one person in a group isn't down with whatever the rest is doing, all the others chant this phrase until that one person wants to join in."

"Trey: 'No, I'm afraid I can't come with you guys. It's too risky, and I might get in trouble.'

Ethan, Cody, and Mark chant 'One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!'

Trey: Alright, fine. I'll go with you guys.

by realest tho. June 24, 2016"
Antifa: "This is what Trump doesn’t understand about #Portland //When you come for one of us, we ALL will come for you."

Biden: "I know of no man with more courage than John Lewis....May his life and legacy inspire every one of us to strive for justice, equality and what is right."

COVID blue checkmark: "Every one of us acts as a shield that protects our friends, families and neighbours."
MSM, "The Guardian" -- "We believe every one of us deserves equal access to fact-based news and analysis."

Language is code.
When many different groups use the same phrase, and it means to stand outside of a cultlike group, and they're all anti-Trump, it is worth paying attention to.
A related phrase is "he doesn't share our values."
"Us" - "our"

Narrative - reference to an insider group.
Consider this too - the idea of "judicial activism."

It's the belief that we should change the law to conform to "OUR" values

as opposed to following the law AS INTENDED.
This is why leftists hate the Constitution, Constitutionalists, Patriots, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem - anything that is bedrock, as opposed to things that can be changed as per "US" and "OUR" domination.
Paradoxically - "us" is not actually "us," but rather it is "the group that seeks to dominate us" - and this is the central lie of communism, exposed.
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