Can we talk about @stonewalluk? For me, the most galling thing is the way they have taken on what could have been an important, noble cause to break people free from the shackles of regressive gender stereotypes & made such a negligent clusterfuck out of it.
Stonewall could be campaigning to destroy gender. Instead they reinforce it & give it more credence than biological sex. Would it not be more beneficial to genuine, gender dysphoric trans people to bin stereotypes & fight for equality between the 2 sexes?
How great would our society be if we celebrated the important biological differences between us whilst tearing down the social constructs which impose expectations on people to behave a certain way because they’re men or women?

Why aren’t Stonewall fighting for that?
Their msg is the polar opposite. If you don’t conform to societal stereotypes then maybe your body is wrong & you were meant to be the other sex. You can’t be a woman if you like masculine things. You’re a trans man.

This is a backward, unsustainable & frankly dangerous movement
“Here is Alex Drummond. Alex is a modern man. He presents this way as it makes him more comfortable. We promote Alex’s right to redefine manhood & live with dignity & respect, free from prejudice & discrimination. Stonewall U.K.”

THAT is a liberal, progressive cause.
The second you start telling me that Alex is really a woman, you can get in the sea. Because it’s not true. What made him a woman? Donning a skirt & growing his hair? Why can’t he be a man & do that? Why does his skirt prove he’s a woman when his penis doesn’t prove he’s a man?
Are you a young lad who likes sequin dresses, heels & makeup? Do you know what, that’s absolutely fine. I’ll fight for your right to have those things as a man without people taking the piss. Let’s teach our society to accept feminine men so you’re free to live your best life
In fact, I’ll go one better & tell you there’s nothing wrong with you. Your body is perfect. You’re no less of a man & you don’t need to pump yourself full of drugs & chop your cock off.

So in the Liberal Values World Cup, I make that;

Far Right Bigot Montay 1-0 Stonewall
Stonewall have the reach & influence to make real changes. They’ve proven that. They could be using that power to promote progressive ideas and improve society for all of us.

Instead they’re serving us up this shit show. What a mess.

#Fuckgender #Itsjustyourpersonalitymate
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