1-With less taxis on London’s roads and drivers calling time on a profession going back 400 years, @SadiqKhan has a lot to answer for. Bent on killing London as a whole, just the knock on effect of the taxi trade going under will be disatrous and upsetting for Londoners - 👇🏼
2-Losing road space to men in Lycra so they can peddle into the city when it’s not raining, cab driver’s cut throughs being taken away, no left turns, no right turns, bus lanes snatched from under their noses, horrific road planning from @TfL and local councils that re-route 👇🏼
3-traffic causing more congestion than I’ve seen in my lifetime are just a few of the things that are threatening the livlihoods of London’s black cab drivers. Numbers are dropping weekly as drivers cannot do what they’ve trained for the best part of 3 years to do. 👇🏼
4- @TfL et al are also alienating London’s handicapped and wheelchair users. Khan takes pride in saying that London is open, but most wheelchair users beg to differ. Cab drivers find it hard to drop wheelchair passengers off at the kerbside now. Most have to tackle the obstacle 👇🏼
5-of a cycle lane blocking their path to a hotel (Blackfriars Rd) or outside their own house! Thanks to @SadiqKhan , the life of a taxi has been dropped to 12 years, knocking thousands off the resale value of their already ridiculously expensive vehicles. But the problem is 👇🏼
6-just starting. As taxis are being forced off London’s roads, it’s not just cab drivers who are going to suffer. Specialist insurance companies will either go under or be forced to compete in other sectors. Mercedes now can’t produce a diesel vehicle for the trade, neither 👇🏼
7-can LTI. How long before the new LEVC hybrid taxi is forced to go 100% electric? Taxi servicing will go under, especially those who cater for diesel cabs. Taxi rentals will also suffer with patrons forced to offer the more expensive hybrid cabs as @tfl and @SadiqKhan 👇🏼
8-continually bastardise the city of London with ULEZ only roads much to the annoyment of both cab drivers and passengers alike. Journey times have increased also, much to the dislike of cab passengers and road users in general, all due to the mayor’s ill thought out 👇🏼
9-new road layouts that benefit nobody except the odd cyclist. If this is the mayor’s way of getting London’s economy again after Lockdown, he is in for a short sharp shock. The fact that councils would rather listen to cyclists from the North of England or Wales regarding 👇🏼
10-surveys just beggars belief. London never used to have standstill traffic at 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning, it does now, thanks to the cycle lanes and whacky road planning that benefits no one. If that wasn’t enough, Khan has extended C charge times from 07:00-22:00 👇🏼
11-every day, except Christmas Day! What a lad! Sadiq however would like you to believe we have more traffic pollution than Mexico City to justify the £15 daily fee. Alas, we don’t, as there is more pollution from London’s river traffic and the London Underground 🤷🏼‍♂️ 👇🏼
12-If you do happen to have an older vehicle, 2005 or older, you will have to oblige Sadiq’s coffers with an extra £12.50 a day - Sadiq wants to save you, honest guv. @SadiqKhan , @TfL and certain local councils are using the Hegelian Dialectic
Problem – Reaction – Solution 👇🏼
13- It goes a bit like this:

First a problem is created and designed to elicit a certain reaction out of the public. Then the people demand something be done about the problem and willingly accept the pre-planned solution from Khan or TFL - a solution that always involves 👇🏼
14- actions or legislation that never would have passed under normal circumstances. Anyone without an agenda and an ounce of integrity will recognise this as what is happening in London without a shadow of a doubt. What’s even stranger is Khan’s willingness to keep licensing 👇🏼
15-American slave app Uber. @TfLTPH have licensed over 100,000 PHV drivers in London, quite ironic when they demand everything from a Taxi driver and very little from an Uber driver. Even more ironic is the fact that City Hall cries in pain at the fake pollution stats and 👇🏼
16-instead of culling the numbers of PHV drivers, namely Uber, in the name of cleaning up the city and getting traffic flowing properly, they continue to licence around 300 of them per week! But the kicker is this: each of those shiny new Uber licences cost £310 so that’s 👇🏼
17-£93k a week.Therefore both TFL and the mayor are creating the problem of excess traffic (300+PHV per week) and offering the solution in the form of a C Charge & ULEZ Charge. My question is this: Is there anyone in government capable of seeing through this or do we wait 👇🏼
18-until London resembles a shadow of its former self with small businesses, the self employed and freeholders forced to give up the ghost as it is no longer viable to continue serving the city as the Mayor et al have closed it due to incompetence?
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