I had the opportunity to view @JNJNews’ Road to Vaccine with Mrs. Ling. An 👁 opening experience about all the hard work that scientists and #researchers are putting on ensuring quality, compliance and validation to PMA under extreme pressure & scrutiny. #Respect #pharmaceutical
Typical timing associated to other vaccines like cancer, Ebola and similar extend way into the future; it’s a luxury that #COVID19 prohibits.🛑The pressure mounts and the risk for error follows. Working under @WHO and government regulatory agencies.
Stress & anxiety= #NewNormal
Relevant how children and teenagers have the lowest death risk, and yet they’re highest asymptomatic population. Forcing parents to address topics such as: solidarity, community and prevention of the disease to their elders. 🛡🦠👵🏻👨🏼‍🦳
School are formative to personality aspects.😕
It’s normal if parents feel anxious over troubled times, insomnia +concerns about the future have such effect on individuals.

But it’s important to keep an 👁 on your #Mentalhealth as much as your physical health. 🧘🏼‍♂️🚴🏼‍♀️
Parents who aren’t stable will be irritable or unavailable.
Ensure you👂🏻to your children, create an environment which promotes dialogue about their feelings (acceptance, losses, etc.)

Be there for them, try to re-frame w/ positive comments: people who beat #COVID19, anticipation of #NewNormal; advances to vaccines 🌍 and their bright 🔮
Last but not least, take care of yourself❗️These troubled times as important as any, operating under so much stress and uncertainty has a big toll on our mind. This is our time to stop stigma:🛑 #ItsOkayToNotBeOkay so reach for help if you need it. The benefits of 🏡consultation.
You can follow @sandy_moon2003.
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