Angry tweets go so well with my new pic I might just continuously post angry takes on everything.
"Why's the sky so bloody blue all the time. It's awful. Clashes so horribly with the grey and dank bleakness of everything."
"Milkshakes are shit."
"Trains leave stations at silly non-rounded times like 2.47 and 7.31 and it makes me sick."
"Sweetcorn just comes out exactly the same so what's the goddamned point of intestines anyway."
"Why does everyone always shout about their favourite stuff when they know I don't give a shit?"
"Aeroplane windows are so small you're up as high as possible and want a great view and all you can see is a cloud and, later, a factory."
"I have never not been disappointed by a glue."
"PE lessons were a waste of my fucking time and they knew it."
Oh, hi new followers. Yeah this is pretty standard.
"There fucking well aren't enough cats in here right now."
"What's the deal with airline food? Its shit."
"Why the fuck can't people tickle themselves? One simple thing to make everyone sodding happier and evolution fucked it up."
Feel better for letting all that out.
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