The African-American History Museum comes good
I remember expressing concern about the future of the African-American History Museum when it was opened (at Whitey's expense) back in 2016. One of its main objectives was to highlight the achievements of African-Americans and
their coontribution to American history. A noble objective but one that could in my opinion have been housed in an ordinary telephone booth rather than in a huge modern building. With that in mind I suggested the introduction of a number of additional artifacts such as :
* A functioning crack cocaine lab

* All of President Obama's birth certificates, arranged in chronological order

* A replica of the McDonalds outlet where the Reverend Jesse Jackson used to spit into the burgers he served to White people.

* The Rev. Martin Luther King Love Wall, featuring all of his favourite White prostitutes with photos, autographs, bruises.....

* Multimedia animation tracing Michael Jackson's fascinating transition from poor black boy to rich white woman
* A life-size statue of Shaquinta Chantelle - the only woman to have 18 children by 18 different men

* A celebration of the life of Emmet Till's father, up to and including his hanging for multiple rapes and murders
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